The untimely passing of the Humanitarian Yvonne Jeffries Johnson has had a devastating effect of those who knew her and definitely to myself and my family.
My story with her goes back to the 1950’s. She was a great friend of my sister and brother. When her family moved from Ross Ave. to Beech St. she lived right behind my family on Dudley St. She used to hang out at our house and my mother was her Girl Scout leader. Her mother and Yvonne babysat me when I was a young buck. My mother was an inspiration to her when she encouraged Yvonne to pledge AKA like my mother did.
Yvonne decided to run for city council. She was encouraged by Dr. George Simkins and my father who was also a city councilman. This was during the turbulent ‘60’s when sit-ins took place and consequently civic protesting and violence occurred in an attempt to help attain basic human rights for African Americans.
She decided to run at-large so that she could represent all citizens in our great city. She consistently came in first every election and was named Mayor Pro Tem. Later, she became the first and only African American Mayor in our city’s history.
The week of Thanksgiving I invited Yvonne to dinner the Friday after Thanksgiving. She gladly accepted. I asked her how was she feeling because I detected that she did not sound like her normal self. I called her Friday morning to confirm that she would be coming but she did not answer her phone. I found out the next day she had taken ill the very next day after I had talked to her.
The reason for this missive is Yvonne had mentioned to me that her son, Vernon Johnson, would like to serve in her seat because she had planned to retire when her term expired this year.
Mr. Vernon Johnson has served his country in the armed services, taught school for more than 30 years, served as a sports coach ad mentored youth in our community.
He is more than qualified to fill the remaining months of his mother’s city council seat. There are several well qualified individuals who seek to be named to the seat on council but I humbly request that the right thing to do is for the mayor and remaining council members name Vernon Johnson to fill the remaining months on the council. The seat belongs to no particular person but I think the Johnson name should finish the term since it will be less than a year before elections. It will give the entire city the opportunity to vote on who they sit in this particular at-large seat.
In a mood towards decency, respect, and honor I am asking that Mr. Vernon Johnson be given the chance to see if he needs to elected when the city primary takes place.
I sincerely appreciate any consideration towards this extremely important decision. If you agree with my recommendation please go to the city council’s website to make them aware of your thoughts because the vote will take place Tuesday, the 28th at the 5:30 p.m. meeting. If you wish to speak about this matter you can sign up to do so on the same website.
Cameron Falkener is a Greensboro resident and Peacemaker reader.