Greensboro's African American Community Newspaper since 1967

About us

Since 1967, The Carolina Peacemaker has served as North Carolina’s leading news weekly with a national reputation. The Peacemaker has garnered awards from the National Newspaper Publisher’s Association and the North Carolina Press Association for outstanding news coverage, commentaries, editorial cartoons, sports and entertainment features, photography and effective public service campaigns.

The Carolina Peacemaker strives to highlight the people and events that make the City of Greensboro, High Point and Guilford County cohesive multicultural communities.

Guilford County’s growing population of 421,000 is comprised of working professionals as well as students who represent seven widely respected colleges and universities such as Bennett College for Women, Greensboro College, Guilford College, Guilford Technical Community College, High Point University, North Carolina A&T State University, and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Local, regional and national advertisers know that the The Carolina Peacemaker can help expand their company’s customer base, sales and profitability by attracting the interest of the Peacemaker’s 36,400 plus readers. Advertisers have discovered that when they appeal to Guilford County’s African American consumer market, they are reaching the second largest African American consumer market in the State of North Carolina which is comprised of people who understand that good things happen when we all work together.


Publisher & Editor: Afrique I. Kilimanjaro

Associate Publisher: C. Vickie Kilimanjaro

Office Manager: Charlene Green

Copy Editor: Gabriel A Fraire

Sports Writer: Semaj Marsh

Staff Writer: Yasmine Regester

State Writer: Cash Michaels

Graphics: Jeannine Lorenz

Photographers: Ivan Saul Cutler, Kevin Dorsey