Greensboro's African American Community Newspaper since 1967

2023 Pride Fest Greensboro


The annual Greensboro Pride Festival produced an efflorescence of happy people of all genders and walks of life, who gathered on South Elm Street to enjoy great food, music and community.

Under bright, warm skies, organizers hailed last Sunday’s (Oct. 1) event as one of the best Pride events in Greensboro. More than 215 vendor-community booths lined the downtown thoroughfare to the delight of thousands of people in all manner of costumes from tame to bold and sometimes risqué, all festooning variations of the rainbow.

The Greensboro Pride Festival occurs in the fall, providing in-town college and university students an opportunity to attend, the organizers said. The Pride Festival is the principal event of Alternative Resources of the Triad, a socially conscious organization advocating for the recognition and respect for LGBTQIA2+ individuals and communities.

Greensboro Pride Festival attendees enjoy a beautiful day. Rainbows make people happy!