Greensboro's African American Community Newspaper since 1967

The Links Walk for Healthy Living

Left to Right: Members and family members of the Grandiflora and Greensboro Chapters of The Links, Incorporated. Paula McKinney, Michelle Matthews, Lori Ann Harris (rear), Monica Aaron, Gwen Willis, state Sen. Gladys Robinson, Joyce Fairley and Davida Robinson. Photo by Ivan Saul Cutler/ Carolina Peacemaker.

Members of the Grandiflora and Greensboro Chapters of The Links, Incorporated enjoyed the stimulating benefit of a healthy and engaging Saturday morning jaunt at Greensboro’s Country Park. The service organization’s members host the annual Walk for Healthy Living, a community-wide event that is open to members of The Links, Incorporated, family, friends, and anyone who wants to engage in exercise.

First, members gathered with friends, family members and pets to fellowship, share ideas and renew friendships. They stepped up from Shelter 4 to one of the park’s many walking paths for a brisk stroll around the lake in a bucolic setting.

The president of the Grandiflora Chapter is Karen Schooler, M.D. and the president of the Greensboro Chapter is Jewell Cooper, Ph.D.