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Bennett hosts alumna Benin Lemus for the virtual book launch


Bennett College alumna, Benin Lemus ‘94, takes a personal journey through grief and loss, gratitude and celebration in her debut poetry collection, Dreaming in Mourning. Bennett College will host a virtual launch of Lemus’ book on Thursday, January 26, 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. eastern standard time.

Lemus is a poet and an educator based in South Los Angeles. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in English from Bennett College and a Master of Fine Arts in Film and Television Production from the University of Southern California. Lemus’ debut work was published by World Stage Press in November 2022.

From Dreaming in Mourning: Benin Lemus is a poet whose words touch directly, yet tenderly. Her poems explore complex politics in the 21st Century, motherhood, racial and gender-based violence, and gentrification, yet leaves the reader with plenty of emotional room to laugh and cultivate joy. Inspired by the Black Arts Movement poets and their descendants, Benin’s voice pays homage to the greats, yet she walks her own path. From pastoral poems to villanelles and ghazals, her creativity as a poet never loses the mission of her work: to use language that is accessible and inviting to everyday readers and return to the resting place of radical love.

Students at Bennett College will experience the creativity and wisdom of this self-described poet, educator, reader, writer, and radical as Lemus joins the faculty of Bennett College. Lemus will add English professor to her resume, teaching “Writing in Communion: Exploring the Inner Artist.”

The public is invited to join the virtual book launch event online at on Thursday, January 26, 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Watch Live at