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Bid Farewell to Toenail Fungus from the Comfort of Your Home


(NewsUSA) - Say hello to the uninvited guest: toenail fungus, the ultimate party crasher for your confidence! It’s not just about feeling uneasy; it’s like a fashion police for your feet, dictating a strict ‘no’ to those fabulous sandals and making you think twice before exposing your toes. And let’s talk about those doctor discussions - brace yourself for some seriously cringeworthy moments!

Identifying signs of toenail fungus, or onychomycosis, is essential. Look out for discolored or yellowed nails, nails that are brittle, cracked, or broken, thickened nails, or nails that have separated from the nail bed.

Did you know that toenail fungus affects around 10%-12% of the general population? It's even more prevalent among older adults and diabetics, with a whopping 20% in those over 60 and 50% in those over 70, according to Dr. Neil Sadick, a world-renowned dermatologist and Chief Medical Officer of STRIDETM, available at While toenail fungus often targets the big toenail, any nail can fall victim to it.

"In general, clinical data strongly supports a combination of prescription antifungal medications as the most effective way to eliminate toenail fungal infections," advises Dr. Sadick. Dr. Peter Bregman, a board-certified podiatrist, has been treating toenail fungus for 25 years and echoes Dr. Sadick’s sentiment. He states, “The most effective treatment of toenail fungus is a combination of topical and oral medications in addition to treating your shoes with an antifungal spray to avoid recurrence. There are so many over-the-counter products that just do not work and patients are wasting their time and money with the vast majority of them.”

Dr. Sadick frequently recommends this combination approach for optimal results. The STRIDE DUOTM toenail fungus treatment boasts an impressive 89% clinical effectiveness rate, with noticeable improvements in appearance in just days. Thanks to STRIDETM, backed by Dr. Sadick, patients can now manage their condition entirely online, from the comfort of their home and on their own schedule. After creating a profile, a licensed clinician reviews the condition and provides a personalized diagnosis. Safe and effective FDA-approved prescription medications are then delivered to your door. Healthcare can be stressful, but STRIDETM takes the stress out of toenail fungus treatment.

For more information, visit Say goodbye to toenail fungus without leaving your home!