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Fight Back Against Free Radicals: Expert advice to prevent skin damage


(Family Features) In a healthy person, the body is like a well-oiled machine. However, sometimes things go wrong, and when that happens, finding the source of damage, illness or disease often requires a deeper look. In many cases, the culprit is free radicals.

The experts at Heliocare, makers of daily dietary supplements with powerful formulas that have antioxidant effects, explain how to help neutralize the effects of free radicals and reduce their impact.

What are free radicals anyway?
One would probably need some knowledge of chemistry to fully understand free radicals, but simply put, the natural process of the body’s cell metabolism can create unstable molecules, i.e., free radicals. There are also numerous sources of environmental free radicals, including air pollution, radiation, medications and pesticides, as well as certain foods, alcohol and even exercise.

The body naturally produces antioxidants to keep free radicals in check, but if too many of them accumulate, they can create oxidative stress.

What kinds of damage can free radicals cause?
Excess free radicals, and in turn oxidative stress, can impact how the body ages and produce visible evidence such as wrinkles and sunspots. There is evidence that free radicals may also contribute to the formation of some diseases and conditions, including accelerated signs of aging.

How can you reduce their impact?
It’s impossible to eliminate free radicals completely. However, you can take steps to protect your body, and especially your skin, from their harmful impacts with a few simple everyday actions.

  • Reduce exposure: Avoid spending excess time in the sun and always use sunscreen. Limit your alcohol consumption and avoid smoking (including secondhand smoke). Be conscious of air pollution and use air purifiers.
  • Increase antioxidants: Elevating the amount of antioxidants in your body is another way you can offset free radicals. Many dermatologists recommend dietary supplements like Heliocare Daily Use Antioxidant Formula, a clinically proven supplement with antioxidant properties due to proprietary Fernblock PLE Technology that harnesses the power of the unique polypodium leucotomos fern. The antioxidant properties in this oral supplement aids in eliminating free radicals, helping to protect your skin from their effects that can cause wrinkles, discoloration and other signs of environmental aging.  
  • Manage your stress levels: High levels of stress, both physical and emotional, can lead to stress hormones generating free radicals. Practice mindfulness, do things you enjoy and consider habits like meditation or yoga to keep stress levels in check.
  • Fight with your diet: Eating plenty of antioxidant-rich foods can also reduce your risk of free radical damage. Examples include produce rich in vitamin C, like broccoli, cauliflower, leafy greens, strawberries and grapefruit.

Learn more about protecting your body and skin from free radicals at

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