Registration 6:10 p.m. to 6:25 p.m., races start at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, June 26, July 10 and July 17.
Only eight-years -old and under to 12-years-old need a race number
Keep the race number for all the Wednesday Meets.
• Athletes 8 and under through 12 get ribbons for each race.
• 13-years-old to 70-years-old just get a time!!
• Please pick up any trash and recycling on the way out. We need to leave the football field spotless.
• Please send any pictures to the track club’s Instagram page. Pacesettersgso to show off the athletes and get some PR for the races.
• Age is determined on December 31, 2024 of this year. What your age is then is the age for the meets?
• Make sure you have your number on when racing.
• There will be pdf files of the race numbers on the website.
• Registration 6:10 p.m. to 6:25 p.m.
• At Southwest Guilford High School.
• Order of events 100, 200, 400, 1600.