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Spanish-language resources to help people living with paralysis


(BPT) - For those living with paralysis and their loved ones, receiving sufficient support, meaningful connection and useful information are all crucial elements in order to thrive. Thanks to the leadership and vision of Dana Reeve, the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation's National Paralysis Resource Center (NPRC) opened its doors in 2002, and continues today to serve as a free, comprehensive, international source of informational support for people living with paralysis and their caregivers.

The NPRC's mission is to foster community involvement, promote health and improve quality of life for everyone who needs it — with a breadth and depth of knowledge and connections spanning multiple languages, especially Spanish. To access everything from information about what to expect in rehab and the best equipment exchange programs to the latest in spinal cord research for Spanish speakers, you can visit Vivir con parálisis.

Support through Spanish-language materials and staff

Through the NPRC, the Reeve Foundation provides a variety of vital services, programs and resources that are offered through Spanish-language materials, and are staffed by Spanish speakers, including:

Information Specialists are trained to help anyone — from newly paralyzed individuals and their family members to persons who have lived with disabilities for decades — by providing individualized support and information in Spanish.

Peer & Family Support Program fosters peer-to-peer support via trained and certified Spanish-speaking mentors living with paralysis who best understand the day-to-day realities and long-term challenges individuals living with paralysis face.

Quality of Life Grants Program has awarded over 3,800 grants totaling more than $44 million in financial support to fellow nonprofit organizations for programs or projects that foster community engagement while promoting health and wellness for individuals living with paralysis throughout the United States.

The Military & Veterans Program (MVP) supports the specific needs of service members and their families, regardless of their time served or the cause of their paralysis.

Advocacy & Policy Program helps individuals advocate for themselves and advance important issues for the greater community of individuals living with paralysis.

Outreach and Community Education Program seeks to improve diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility initiatives so underserved communities are aware of and have access to critical NPRC services. This program provides educational opportunities, community connection and cultural awareness, which are vital to ensuring that the needs of all are met.

Free downloads for information and resources

NPRC also provides a variety of free, downloadable resources in Spanish that are designed to help people living with paralysis and those who care for them navigate a variety of challenges.

Paralysis Resource Guide: This free comprehensive guide is an essential tool for everyone living with or affected by paralysis. You can download a copy to your phone, tablet, e-reader or computer. The fifth edition of the Paralysis Resource Guide, available in Spanish, has a new section for the Hispanic community.

Wallet Cards enable people living with autonomic dysreflexia (AD), deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and sepsis to carry critical information on their person. These handy cards provide the life-saving information that staff at EMT units, emergency rooms and other health centers need to best treat you. The AD card is available in both adult and pediatric versions.

Educational Booklets provide an in-depth study on topics of interest in paralysis. You can find the latest resources and information on skin, bladder and bowel management, pain, spasticity, emergency prep, sexual health and more. Booklets are available for download in PDF format. Contact an Information Specialist to request a free printed copy.

A-Z Fact Sheets are available free to download and save, including fact sheets for disability resources in each state and several countries, plus topical fact sheets related to paralysis.

To further assist people living with paralysis and their caregivers, NPRC houses many informational resources available in Spanish. For additional information, visit the NPRC Spanish webpage,

The National Paralysis Resource Center website is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $10,000,000 with 100 percent funding by ACL/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.