Greensboro's African American Community Newspaper since 1967
Healthy Living

The study found that participants, who consumed more than a quarter serving of processed red meat per day had a 13 percent higher dementia risk as compared to participants who consumed less.

It is important to keep track of your health numbers such as blood pressure and cholesterol.

New research has shown that holiday lights can boost a person’s wellbeing by fostering positive emotions and reducing stress.

Hair loss can be an emotional trauma

Hair loss is a quite common occurrence with more than 80 million Americans affected by it. This medical condition is commonly known as alopecia, and it has a number of causes. As you may know, …

Don’t let age be an obstacle

Ageism. What does that word mean? It is defined as prejudice or discrimination based on a person’s age. We see it in employment as older people may be looked over for advancement or even not be …

Holiday health check-ins are important

Not all people have warm, happy feelings on the holidays. Some have feelings of loneliness, neglect or even abuse. Check-in on friends to see how they are really doing.

Studies have shown that men who suppress their emotions tend to not discuss their health concerns.

There are many ways parents can support their children’s social and emotional learning and wellness. Recent studies have highlighted that social and emotional skills — such as sustaining …

Our sheets and pillows are a welcoming place for dead skin and dust mites.

Mammograms save lives

In the latest data on U.S. cancer statistics (2021), there were 272,454 new breast cancer cases reported in this country.

The benefits of GLP-1 medications

Researchers have determined that GLP-1 medications have more benefits than simply weight loss.

One of the joys that many people have is owning and caring for their pets. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) says that an amazing 68 percent of households in the United States own pets. Of …

So many times, when we look at a person, the first thing we may notice is their wonderful smile. Each smile is unique to each person and may show a little aspect of their personality. However, …

For years, the public was told that having one to two drinks of alcohol a day was okay and might even be good. This idea is now in question.

Chat and Chew at New Hope Gardens

A free community event on growing and preparing good food will be held this Saturday at the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Gardens.

Light therapy is old and new

Light, sunlight, warm and wonderful. What promises does it hold? As long as humans have been alive, people have used the sun and its warming rays as part of their health regimes.  …

We love salt, maybe too much

For centuries, salt has been a cornerstone of the human diet, serving as a vital food preservative. While our reliance on salt for preservation has significantly diminished, today’s diet rich …

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